Pearl Lowe reveals her vintage style secrets
We spoke to interior designer Pearl Lowe at the launch of her new book to find out how we can add some Faded Glamour into our own homes.
Image: Pearl Lowe
Interior designer Pearl Lowe is much celebrated for her signature style, combining carefully sourced decorative objects, vintage patterns, ornate fabrics and charming antiques . Her new book, Faded Glamour, explores some beautiful properties that encapsulate her design ethos, including her own stunning home in Frome, Somerset.
We caught up with her at the launch of the new book to find out about some of her own most treasured possessions, and how we can bring some Faded Glamour to our own lives.
Image: Amy Neunsinger © CICO Books
What does Faded Glamour mean to you?
From early on, I can remember reacting strongly to a house that has some age to it and a story to tell – they appeal to me in a massive way. I just love things that are imperfect and have a history. I love Parisian apartments when you walk in and there’s paint peeling off the walls and old broken mirrors – that kind of thing. I’m just mad about things that were once so glamorous, but now it’s just a bit worn and torn – a few people have referred to me in a similar way in my time!
The reason I created a book like this is because, at the moment, everyone’s talking about sustainability. But I don’t think people don’t think about the fact that actually, this style is sustainable. You have to really think about your carbon footprint at this point, and this furniture was made years and years ago – it’s being recycled and it’s fantastic. You don’t have to buy anything new.
Is there a piece in your own home that has particularly memorable story for you?
I always talk about a lamp, because I bought it in Paris at Clignancourt market. It had a sort of metal frame to it and my husband said that I couldn’t get it, because it was really heavy. But of course, I went up to the lady and asked how much it was. She said €80, so obviously I said I’d take it. The problem is that we were going back on the Eurostar! We had to find a taxi that would let us take it (with the window down and lamp sticking out) and then take it on the Eurostar. He had to carry it and didn’t talk to me the whole way. But it’s still in our front room and it is so beautiful. Whenever I look at it, it just reminds me of that trip.
Image: Amy Neunsinger © CICO Books
In your book, you tour some other inspiring homes, as well as your own. What appealed to you about these spaces?
There were two houses that really stand out to me, which are Alice Temperley’s and Marianne Cotterill’s. They sum up that Faded Glamour – you walk in and they take your breath away. They’re so beautiful and so clever. You just can’t help but wonder how they found each individual object – there are just so many things in each that you just wish you’d found yourself.
Any ideas for easy ways we can incorporate some Faded Glamour into our own homes?
I’m really into panelling at the moment. I think panelling can add so much and people don’t realise that it’s actually really easy to have put in. Once it’s done, you can just paint it and it can look like it’s old and been there forever. Look online for ideas of what sort of decorative styles they had at the time your home was built and try stick to that. It’s a lovely thing to bring in these styles and embrace the age of the property.
Faded Glamour by Pearl Lowe, published by CICO Books, £13.99, is available now.
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