How to pick a houseplant according to your star sign
Are you crazy for houseplants? Us, too! Take a look at what species best suits you according to your star sign.
Image: Gisela Graham
Introducing plants into your space can bring your home to life. Experts at Faraway Furniture decided to give a helping hand by matching a houseplant to the personality traits of each zodiac sign. Take a look at what houseplants you should opt for according to your star sign.
Image: Furniture Faraway
Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Calathea
Calathea, also known as “Prayer Plants”, make a great fit for bold and ambitious rams. The rich mix of purple, green, pink and red leaves in a Calathea house plant put on a show, which is perfect for those under the Aries sign that love to feel like all eyes are on them!
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – The Ponytail Palm
The Ponytail Palm is perfect for those under the Taurus sign because bulls enjoy relaxing in serene, rustic environments. Fittingly, the slow-growing Ponytail Palm loves to bask in the sunlight and will thrive by a window.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Bromeliad
Some say Geminis are so busy they need a clone in order to get everything done. The Bromeliad does exactly that! The long-lasting houseplant produces pups (or side shoots) that will replace the original plant.
Image: Shutterstock
Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Asparagus Fern
Those under the Cancer sign effortless pick up energy, plus they are intuitive and tangible. Similarly, an Asparagus Fern can tolerate a change in energy and will adapt to both bright spots and darker corners.
Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Yucca
The woody stems and spikey leaves of the Yucca houseplant convey vivacity – just like a Leo! What’s more, Leo is a spirited fire sign known to bask in the sunlight, which mirrors this house plant. The recipe for a happy Yucca is sun, sun, and more sun.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Begonia
Virgo is an earth sign that represents practical, perfectionist qualities. This suits Begonia. The perfect blooms of this house plant only require an occasional drink, and even less water in the winter. Begonia also comes in a variety of colours and patterns so don’t worry about a clash with décor!
Image: Shutterstock
Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Peace Lily
This sign is perfectly suited to the Peace Lily because Libra’s champion harmony and equilibrium. This houseplant will detoxify its environment and look beautiful too, which will help to maintain balance at home. With enough light, the Peace Lily will also produce tranquil white and off-white flowers in the early summer and continue to bloom throughout the year.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Cast-Iron Plant
The Cast-Iron Plant mirrors the power of Scorpio; a sign that takes great strength from emotion. Surviving low light, poor quality soil and a wide range of temperatures, the Cast-Iron Plant is a formidable asset to the home.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – African Violets
Often chasing geographical, intellectual and spiritual adventures, those under the Sagittarius sign find a good match in African Violets. This houseplant is, after all, one of the most popular in the world and what’s more adventurous than that?
Image: Shutterstock
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Guiana Chestnut
Mythological Capricorns are experienced in navigating both the material and emotional realms, which makes the Guiana Chestnut (also known as a “Money Tree”) a perfect match. Many people believe the trunk braid and leaves of a money tree bring good luck and financial success, fitting the material realm. While the vibrancy of the houseplant will soothe any soul, fitting the emotional realm.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Air Plant
Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, thought to be representative of a mystical healer. Fittingly, Air Plants are epiphytes, which means that in nature they grow on other plants – not in soil – breathing new life into everything they touch. Soak this houseplant in water for 2 or 3 hours every 10 days to help them flourish at home.
Pisces – (February 19 – March 20) Jade Plant
The water sign Pisces reflects constant division between fantasy and reality and is therefore suited to South African native, the Jade Plant. If a Jade Plant doesn’t get enough water, it will become dormant. Once rehydrated it is generous in growth. This echoes the divisive nature of the Pisces sign.
Image: Shutterstock
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